2 years 10 to 12 hours 1 to 3 hours (1 nap) 13 hours
3 years 9 to 12 hours 1 to 3 hours (1 nap) 12 to 13 hours
4 years 9 to 12 hours 0 to 2 hours (1 or no nap) 11 to 12 hours
5 years 8 to 11 hours 0 to 2 hours (1 or no nap) 10 to 11 hours
6 years 10 to 11 hours none 10 to 11 hours
7 years 10 to 11 hours none 10 to 11 hours
8 years 10 to 11 hours none 10 to 11 hours
*Note: The two sets of numbers don't always add up because children who take longer naps tend to sleep fewer hours at night, and vice versa.
Keep in mind that most kids need a lot of sleep – usually more than parents allow for. Often, says sleep expert Jodi Mindell, author of Sleeping Through the Night, if a child has poor sleep habits or refuses to nap or go to bed before 10 at night, his parents will assume that he just doesn't need much sleep. That's probably not the case – in fact, it's likely that such a child is actually sleep-deprived, resulting in hyper, overtired behavior at bedtime.
**taken from http://www.babycenter.com/0_how-much-sleep-does-your-child-need_1390720.bc?scid=bigkid_20120620:2&pe=MlV2TlNBRnwyMDEyMDYyMA..