Monday, November 28, 2011

Actively Waiting...

It is the season of Advent. We are all preparing for Christmas but this year, we are more active in our preparations. Here is the wreath we made as we prepare ourselves for the coming of our Savior.

We are currently looking for a short prayer or ceremony for Advent that a 4 year old can endure. We want the ceremony to be meaningful yet still fun for the kids. We don't want them dreading prayer time because it is too long :P If you have something, please share :) Thanks in advance.

Of course our Lucas should also take part in the preparations. We made him his wreath as well.

Lucas is the perfect example of someone who is actively waiting. I remember, whenever I go home, he is by the window waiting for the car to pull up. He calls / shouts to announce our arrival. As I open the door, he would be the first to greet me by kissing my hand ("mano" in filipino), hugging and kissing me. Aw, after a day's work, it's the best recipe to melt all your tiredness away!

Thank you, Luc. Loves and misses you so much!

Oh, Rafa had show and tell in school today. They culminated their discussion on community helpers. Here is his DIY police costume with an attitude :)

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